The Thumbay Dental Hospital has a Total of 38,000 square feet area with Dental Clinics having 60 dental chairs. It is the most advanced dental hospital of the region.
We are located in the Thumbay Medicity, which also has the region’s best university, healthcare spa, restaurants, state-of-the-art modern physiotherapy centre and Thumbay University hospital with a capacity of 350 Beds.
With our team of competent and compassionate doctors and staff from different nationalities, we provide highest level of dental care in a pain-free, comfortable, and relaxed environment.
Contact Detail
Call:+971 6 7147555
WhatsApp: +971 502110126
Book Offer
Package Name/Offer Name: Summer Festival-Free Dental Consultation
Description of the Package: Register for the Festival and avail Free Dental Consultation
Normal Price: GP-Aed 135 & Specialist-Aed 275
Festival Price: Free
Description of the Package:
- Free Dental Consultation
- Scaling & Polishing at Aed 250
Normal Price: Aed 485
Festival Price: Aed 250
Description of the Package:
- Specialist Consultation
- CBCT X Ray
- Dental Implant+Zirconia Crown
Normal Price: Aed 7,275
Festival Price: Aed 3,500